St. Anthony

Father Nathan's Hometown Parish

Father Nathan India Trip | January 2020

A Message from Father Nathan

My dearest people who are close to my heart!

Greetings from India

Father Nathan Celebrates Mass in His Hometown Parish

This is my parish where I was born and brought up …. I celebrated my Sunday mass . It’s dedicated to St. Antony . It’s one of the shrine of our diocese .

— Father Nathan

Pictures from Father Nathan’s Hometown


Statue Donated by Father Nathan’s Father

This statue donated by my father. He donated to my pastor and went for job . Unfortunately he met with an accident and died . It so coincidence thar the statue came on the same-time when my fathers body came home ….

Unforgettable memories…

— Father Nathan

With lots of love and ever at your service,

Fr. Sahayanthan Nathan



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Past Messages from Father Nathan