St Gabriel Catholic Church Pompano Beach, Florida
1st Saturdays from January through May 2020
FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS will be offered for 5 consecutive 1st Saturdays from January through May 2020.
Devotion will include:
Exposition, Confession and Rosary from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Immediately followed by First Saturday Mass at 7:00 p.m. (This 7:00 p.m. Mass does not satisfy your SUNDAY obligation.)
Afterwards we invite you to to socialze to live music and refreshments in the parish hall.
Donations of $10 will be accepted at the reception.
Join our Parish Family
Register in the parish, so that it’s easy to become a confirmation sponsor or Godparent.
Want to Lend a Helping Hand?
Find volunteer opportunities and share your talents.
Get Help
Need a Helping Hand?
We are here to help. Request home visits, send a prayer request. For urgent needs call 954.943.3684
Coming Soon
Set up Online Giving.
You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring gifts.
Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 24, 2021
Together, We Are the Church. A universal body of believers, delivering God’s message of hope and love to everyone, everywhere. Your generosity to the Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive, ABCD, serves the Church so that the Church can serve you.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 17, 2021
Together, We Are the Church. A universal body of believers, delivering God’s message of hope and love to everyone, everywhere. Your generosity to the Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive, ABCD, serves the Church so that the Church can serve you.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 10, 2021
Together, We Are the Church. A universal body of believers, delivering God’s message of hope and love to everyone, everywhere. Your generosity to the Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive, ABCD, serves the Church so that the Church can serve you.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 3, 2021
Happy New Year. Goodbye, 2020. Hello, 2021. We have all experienced a most unusual year. Our lives have had to adjust to never-ending uncertainties that shake our personal and public lives. We have witnessed a shutdown in our thoughts and actions all over the world…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 20, 2020
Merry Christmas to You! “JOY TO THE WORLD” Fourth Advent of Sunday. In this season…when the people were all tired, worried, concerned, and waiting with lots of perplexities, the Lord incarnated Himself and opened up a new world of love to His people.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 15, 2020
Peace and happiness are like a light within each of our hearts. I believe and trust that It’s ONE of the gifts from God. It’s purely a gift from the Holy Spirit. It is light – that always glows and intensifies.