Your gift to the ABCD helps the Church here in South Florida to walk with the poor as their friend.
We are the Church.
The church, Like God’s love, extends far beyond its doors bring Christ to you, wherever you are.

The fund helps us support the following:
Disciples in Faith work, which translates in Education and Formation of Seminarians Clergy, Deacons & Religious.
- 58 seminarians studying for the priesthood in the archdiocese
- 223 Assigned Priests
- 109 Parishes and Missions
- 10,332 First Holy Communions
Missionaries of Hope work, which means deeds done for others through Ministries, Evangelization and Faith Formation:
- 58 Schools
- 71,521 students, from PreK3 through college, receiving Religious Education in our schools and parishes
- 362 Lay Ministers
- 5 thousand plus families assisted through the Respect Life Office
- Over 3.5 million attended mass online
Servants for Charity work, done mainly through the Social Ministries & assisting Parishes and People in poor Communities:
- $330K plus in aid for families affected by Covid-19
- 121,700 plus individuals served through Catholic Social Service Programs
- More than 100,000 people served through food banks and pantries in archdiocesan churches and agencies
- 6,711 aged and infirm cared for in residences, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers run by Catholic Health Services.

How is the Money Spent

- 32 percent, or $3,546,475.84 million, went to the education and formation of seminarians, clergy, deacons, and religious
- 28 percent, or $3,103.166.36 million, went to ministries, evangelization, and faith formation
- 40 percent, or $4,433,094.80 million, went to social ministries and assisting parishes and people in poor communities

Faces of Faith and Hope
Learn more about how your donation makes a real difference in the lives of members of our faith community.
Give Today!
It’s easy to give now or make your pledge online. Click here to go to the secure Archdiocese online giving page.