Catholic Resources

St. Gabriel Catholic Church.


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St. Gabriel Catholic Church | Pompano Beach, Florida.

Resources for Catholic Spiritual Development 

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For online Church Bulletins  Go to this site

Today’s Readings This site, offered by the US Bishops, makes the Biblical readings used in each day’s Mass available for our prayer and study. 

Catholic On-Line Courses Boston College mini-Bible courses.  For pronunciation of those difficult Biblical names, try this site or listen to the audio from the US Bishop’s site. To purchase DVD’s of books of the Bible, Catholic Theology, etc.this is a good site.  Two other sites are Boston College’s and Notre Dame’s online courses.  There are also spirituality courses available.


Recent News From St. Gabriel Catholic Church | Pompano Beach

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 15, 2023

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 15, 2023

Tthe Roman Catholic Church was established by Christ when Jesus directed the apostle Peter as the head of the church. This belief is based on Matthew 16:18 when Jesus Christ said to Peter:

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

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