coronavirus message from archbishop thomas wenski Miami archdiocese
Our parishes will celebrate the Lord’s Day this weekend and during the week for those who do wish to participate in the Eucharistic celebration, the source and summit of our Christian life. We pray that we will be able to continue to do so; but we will be guided by prudence and the best counsel of our civil authorities and medical professionals. If circumstances dictate in coming days that Masses be suspended the Archdiocese will make a timely announcement to that effect.
Archdiocese parochial schools and High Schools will close on Tuesday, March 17th. (In order to provide to parents, the opportunity to arrange childcare and personal schedules, Catholic schools will be open on Monday, March 16.) Religious education programs (CCD) are also suspended. Retreats and other parish activities will be cancelled or postponed in an effort to increase “social distancing” in order to mitigate exposure.
I continue to urge prudence. Those who are sick or are tending to the sick should not come to Mass this weekend. Those who because of anxiety, or are caregivers to the elderly or young children, may decide not to attend Mass. Given these extraordinary circumstances, I dispense the faithful of the Archdiocese of Miami from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
As we prepare celebrate the Third Sunday of our Lenten Season, our nation – and, indeed, our world – is facing unprecedented threat because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We hold in prayer all those infected with the virus, their families and loved ones. We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died. As a people of faith, we trust in the power of prayer and in the providence of our loving God; as a people of hope, we know that God will never abandon us in our need; and as a people of charity, we, despite our own fears and anxieties, stand in solidarity with all of brothers and sisters infected or affected by this pandemic.
Let nothing disturb you,
let nothing frighten you,
he who has God
nothing lacks:
God alone suffices.
Nada te turbe,
nada te espante,
quien a Dios tiene
nada le falta:
Solo Dios basta. (St. Teresa de Avila)
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