Father Nathan St Gabriel | July 21, 2019

A Message from Father Nathan
My Dearest people
Last Sunday right before the Masses, as I was greeting people at the entrance of the church, I saw this little girl, Samantha, along with her parents. I welcomed her and asked her where she got her angelic face. She paused for a few seconds and she said to me with her God given smile “ IT’ S GOD’ S GIFT TO ME” .
I was taken aback with her response. What an attitude! I realized that everything really is God’s gift to me… ..
I believe that I stand before God with the same attitude of Samantha.
It has been already a month since I arrived here in our parish. I have told some of our people that God has been spoiling me with gifts throughout my life: gifts of people and experiences, and St. Gabriel is one of these gifts.
I praise God for that and I promise to Him that I will ever be grateful and faithful to him. May He continue to guide and shepherd me.
As I thank the Lord, I wanted to appreciate all of you as well for the great attitude that has been bestowed upon you; it is a blessing that you have such great love for our Holy Mother Catholic Church, our local church, and finally for God himself. I am witnessing this. I am extremely impressed about it.
May God bless you all.
It’ s OUR MOTHER CHURCH. It’ s our church that has accepte us as God’s children: it feeds us, nourishes us, heals us, comforts us and forgives us.
Let us continue to love our Holy Mother Catholic Church. Let us continue to love and support our local church in whatever way we can. If we DO NOT do it, no one will do it for us. I feel I am blessed to have such a faithful community with this attitude and I praise God for this.
YOU ARE ALL GOD’ S GIFTS TO ME… .May God bless you all.
Ever at you service,
Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
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