From the Desk Of Father Nathan


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From the Desk of Father Nathan

Weekly Inspiration, Encouragement and Spiritual Guidance.  

Father Nathan Homily | May 24, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | May 24, 2020

“I will be with you always, to the very end of time” –Matthew 28:20. The ascension of Jesus is the climax of his victory over sin and death. It is the day of joy and hope. Jesus wants us to share in his victory. It’s important to realize that he has not left us, but is still with us, helping us in our struggles.

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | Plan to Return to Worship

Father Nathan St Gabriel | Plan to Return to Worship

Father Nathan St Gabriel | Welcome Back To Worship A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart!   CHURCH OPENING There is light at the end of the tunnel! St. Gabriel Church, like all other churches in our country, has been closed due to the...

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 24, 2020 Spiritual Communion

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 24, 2020 Spiritual Communion

What’s the Eucharist?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1324-1327), states, I take pride in quoting it all the time. Each and every word has to be underlined. Every word accentuates the importance of the Eucharist:  “The Eucharist is ‘the source and summit’…

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Father Nathan Homily | May 17, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | May 17, 2020

“Peace be with you, Do not be afraid”
My dear friends by the end of January we heard about this virus. We did not even take it so seriously because we thought that it would go away. We thought it would be momentary and will pass away.

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 17, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 17, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 17, 2020 A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! I hope and believe you are doing great and staying safe. My prayers are always with you. Please be assured of it.   Beginning to Plan for a safe Reopening ...

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Father Nathan Homily | May 10, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | May 10, 2020

“Peace be with you, Do not be afraid”
My dear friends by the end of January we heard about this virus. We did not even take it so seriously because we thought that it would go away. We thought it would be momentary and will pass away.

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 10, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 10, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 10, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart!   Daily Prayers For Each of You I hope and believe that you are doing great and staying safe.  My prayers are always there for you. Please be assured...

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Father Nathan Homily | May 3, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | May 3, 2020

“Peace be with you, Do not be afraid”
My dear friends by the end of January we heard about this virus. We did not even take it so seriously because we thought that it would go away. We thought it would be momentary and will pass away.

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | 5.03.2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | 5.03.2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 3, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart!   The month of May always a special month to me.  There are two reasons. Month of Mary First. As a child and still today, it’s a Marian month.  The month of...

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