From the Desk Of Father Nathan


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From the Desk of Father Nathan

Weekly Inspiration, Encouragement and Spiritual Guidance.  

Father Nathan Homily | April 5, 2020 | Palm Sunday

Father Nathan Homily | April 5, 2020 | Palm Sunday

Father Nathan Homily | April 05, 2020 Palm Sunday Father Nathan | Homily   Palm Sunday Todays Readings: Procession with Palms — Matthew 21:1-11 First Reading — Isaiah 50:4-7 Responsorial Psalm — Psalm 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?...

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | April 5, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | April 5, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | April 5, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! I hope and pray that you are staying healthy and good.  I do pray for you all, and I do miss seeing you at church.  Please be assured of my prayers for...

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Father Nathan Homily | March 29, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 29, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 29, 2020Father Nathan | Homily   5th Sunday of Lent Todays Readings: First Reading — EZ 37:12-14 Responsorial Psalm — Psalm 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. Second Reading — Romans 8: 8-11...

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 29, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 29, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 29, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! My dearest people, as we are in the grip of fear because of the fast spreading coronavirus pandemic in the different parts of the of the world.  Let us...

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Father Nathan Homily | March 22, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 22, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 22, 2020Father Nathan | Homily   4th Sunday of Lent Todays Readings: First Reading — 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7,10-13a Responsorial Psalm — Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b-4,5,6(1) The Lord is my Shepard: there is nothing I shall want Second Reading —...

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Father Nathan Homily | March 15, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 15, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 15, 2020Father Nathan | Homily   3rd Sunday of Lent   Introduction: In today’s gospel we read about the moving encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan women. During it Jesus told her about the gift God wanted to give her- the gift he...

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Father Nathan Homily | March 8, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 8, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 8, 2020Father Nathan | Homily   2nd Sunday of Lent   Introduction: Each year on the second Sunday of the lent the church puts before us the transfiguration of Jesus. His face shone and His clothing became dazzlingly white. We too can...

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Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 22, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 22, 2020

Father Nathan St Gabriel | March 9, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! Psalm 50:15 so beautifully says the following “Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you”. There are times in my life I used to think of...

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Father Nathan Homily | March 1, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 1, 2020

Father Nathan Homily | March 1, 2020Father Nathan | Homily   1st Sunday of Lent   Introduction: Lent recalls the forty days Jesus spent in the desert, during which time he was tempted by the devil. But through prayer, fasting, and fidelity to the word of God he...

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