From the Desk Of Father Nathan
From the Desk of Father Nathan
Weekly Inspiration, Encouragement and Spiritual Guidance.
Father Nathan St Gabriel | November 10, 2019
Father Nathan St Gabriel | November 10, 2019 A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart. Prayerful greeting to you. I am indeed happy to tell you that I was extremely pleased last Sunday just before the Mass because we had a good turnout...
Father Nathan Homily | November 5, 2019
Father Nathan Homily | November 05, 2019 Father Nathan | Homily 31th Sunday Ordinary Time Introduction: Today’s gospel talks about that Jesus works for the salvation of all. Jesus did not avoid the company of the rich people. The reason why Jesus was familiar...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | November 3, 2019
Father Nathan St Gabriel | November 05, 2019 A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart. Last Sunday right after the weekend Mass a parishioner came to me and thanked me for bringing the parish together. I felt happy about that, but at...
Father Nathan Homily | October 27, 2019
Father Nathan Homily | October 27, 2019 Father Nathan | Homily 30th Sunday Ordinary Time Introduction: The main theme of today’s Gospel is to pray and to connect to God with humility all through our life however may be our situation and circumstances. We are...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | October 27, 2019
Father Nathan St Gabriel | October 27, 2019A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart. THE EUCHARIST – SOURCE AND SUMMIT OF ECCLESIAL LIFE The Catechism of the Catholic Church beautifully explains the holiness and sacredness of the Holy...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | October 20, 2019
Father Nathan St Gabriel | October 13, 2019A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart. “This missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always; every baptized man and woman is a mission… — Pope...
Father Nathan Homily | October 20, 2019
Father Nathan Homily | October 20, 2019Father Nathan | Homily 29th Sunday Ordinary Time | World Mission Sunday I would be a missionary not for a year’s only, but from the beginning of creation until the consummation of the ages — Theresa Introduction: Today...
Pope Francis Mission Sunday Message 2019
Pope Francis Message Missionary Sunday 2019. Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World. All Christians are called to be missionaries.
Father Nathan Homily | October 13, 2019
Father Nathan Homily | October 13, 2019 Father Nathan | Homily 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Where Are They? “Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine?” Jesus asked the Samaritan leper and the crowd. “Has none but this foreigner returned to...