From the Desk Of Father Nathan


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From the Desk of Father Nathan

Weekly Inspiration, Encouragement and Spiritual Guidance.  

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 30 2023

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 30 2023

August 4th we celebrate the feast of St. John Vianney who is the patron saint of priests – a French priest, a renowned confessor with supernatural powers. Baptiste-Marie Vianney, also called Cure d’Ars, (born May 8, 1786, Dardillly, France—died August 4, 1859, Ars, canonized May 31, 1925, feast day August 4 (formerly August 9), a French priest who was renowned as a confessor and for his supernatural powers.

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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 13, 2023

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 13, 2023

Holy Days of Obligation | The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains holy days of obligation this way:
Family needs or important social services can legitimately excuse the obligation of Sunday rest (specified in the Fourth Commandment). The faithful should see that legitimate excuses do not lead to habits prejudicial to religion, family life, and health {CCC 2185}.

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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 23 2023

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 23 2023

Feast of Joachim and Anne | the parents of Jesus’ mother, Mary. On July 26 the Roman Catholic Church commemorates the parents of the Virgin Mary, Saints Joachim and Anne. The couple’s faith and perseverance brought them through the sorrow of childlessness, to the joy of conceiving and raising the immaculate and sinless woman who would give birth to Christ.

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