ABC Helps Us To Provide Services To Those In Need Whenever Possible
ABC supports 278 agenciec and enitities in the The Archdiocese Of Miami.
70 Agencies And Ministries
2 Hospitals
3 Hospices
5 Homes For The Ages
7 Child Centers
The fund helps us support the following:
SPIRITUAL FORMATION – the church seeks to satisfy the thirst of her members to know and understand the catholic faith.
PRIEST AND SEMINARIANS – our priests are an integral part of our catholic life, dedicated to a life of service to the people of god.
CULTURAL MINISTRIES – the gospel is proclaimed, celebrated and lived by many people of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds in the archdiocese.
FUNDING FOR THE POOR – the needs of the poor and hungry among us represent an opportunity for the archdiocese of Miami to minister as Christ instructed.
Supporting ABCD In solidarity with the world in need
The Church is called to be an “advocate of justice and of the poor” in the face of intolerable social and economic inequalities, which “cry to heaven”.
Your gift to the ABCD helps the Church here in South Florida to walk with the poor as their friend.

Faces of Faith and Hope
Learn more about how your donation makes a real difference in the lives of members of our faith community.
Give Today!
It’s easy to give now or make your pledge online. Click here to go to the secure Archdiocese online giving page.
Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 20, 2024
It’s election mode time. Everything we say and do will be perceived with a political outlook. But at the same time as the Church, we need to be the voice of Christ. Mother Teresa on the “Great Destroyer of Peace – Abortion. The passage below is the voice of Mother Teresa at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. on February 5, 1994. I believe her wisdom and concerns are so relevant today. Here you go.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 13, 2024
Father Nathan is hosting his annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Sunday, October 20t at 5:00 p.m. in the parish hall.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 06, 2024
On October 7, Catholics around the world honor the contemplative prayer of the Rosary by celebrating the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | September 29, 2024
On October 1, Catholics around the world honor the life of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, or St. Thérèse of Lisieux on her feast day. St. Thérèse was born January 2, 1873 in Alençon, France to pious parents, both of whom are scheduled to be canonized in October 2016. Her mother died when she was four, leaving her father and elder sisters to raise her.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | September 22, 2024
St. Vincent dePaul, (April 24, 1581 – September 27, 1660) was a French priest who dedicated his life to helping the poor and is considered one of the most important figures in history of charity. He was canonized by Pope Clement X in 1737 and declared the patron saint of all charitable works.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | September 08, 2024
The Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health, also known as Sanctuary of Our Lady of Velankanniis a Christian shrine dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary located in India.