Register at
St. Gabriel
Catholic Church
Join St. Gabriel Catholic Church
in Pompano Beach, Florida.
All Parishioners (even part-time) should register.
Why Should I Become a Member of St. Gabriel Parish?
Registration is the official way we join a parish community. Many people think that because they attend a particular parish they automatically belong. Membership requires signing up and formally enrolling yourself in the parish.
How your Registration Affects St. Gabriel
Your registration affects the parish in many ways. Census numbers can determine how many priests are assigned to a parish, what benefits and obligations the community has to the archdiocese, and how many Masses and programs are planned and scheduled.
Important Reasons to Register
Registration not only shows you belong, but may be necessary for certain benefits, like scheduling sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, participating in religious education programs and getting donation statements for tax purposes. It is also required to serve as a sponsor for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or confirmation sponsor, or to be a God Parent.
Are you registered with us?
One way to know is if you receive regular communications from us, such as offertory envelopes, newsletters or emails. If you do not receive at least one of these you should check with the parish office staff.
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Needs You
We need you. There is no one on earth like you and God made you with special gifts and when combined with the special gifts of the parish community we create a beautiful mosaic of talents.
St Gabriel Parish Registration
If you would like to become a parishioner or if your contact information has changed, please complete the registration form and submit it to the parish office or drop it in the collection basket on Sunday.
If you’d like to registering online, just fill out the online registration form below.
Registration Form
Recent News From St Gabriel Catholic Church | Pompano Beach
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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 02, 2022
Happy New Year 2022! May God bless us in his mercy. Today we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord. Blessings for a healthy and prosperous New Year
Father Nathan Homily | Feast of the Holy Family December 26, 2021
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