Homilies | Father Nathan

St Gabriel Catholic Church | Pompano Beach
God Bless You All

Father Nathan Homily | November 17, 2019

Father Nathan | Homily


33nd Sunday Ordinary Time



Today the whole liturgy talks about the second life or the Day of the Lord.

As Christians we do not live in a special world. We live in the real world, a world which is full of confusion and trouble of every kind. It is in the midst of this world that we are expected to be witness to Christ.

We are called to be light of the world to dispel the darkness.

Scripture lessons summarized:

The first reading (Malachi 3:19-20) We are cautioned and encouraged — for evil doers the Day of the Lord will be a day of judgment; but for the upright it will be a day of salvation.

In the second reading (Thessalonian 3:7-12) St. Paul cautions the Thessalonians against idleness while anticipating the end of the world. Paul advises the Thessalonians that the best preparation for welcoming Jesus in his “Second Coming” is to keep working and doing one’s duties faithfully, as he did. He quotes

“As far as possible, each person must try to earn the food that he eats”

Today’s Gospel (Luke20:27-38)

The Sadducees, who did not believe in an afterlife, ask Jesus a question. The aim of the question is to ridicule the idea of bodily resurrection from the dead.

Today’s Gospel Message: (Luke 21: 5-19) Today’s Gospel foretells the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.

Warning against false prophets

The disciples are warned to beware of false prophets and to be ready to face persecutions of every kind.

Christ did not tell his disciples to live in a world apart, a safe, secure, comfortable world of their own. He sent them out into the real world.

They were to be witness to his gospel’ before men’ that is, in the midst of people and in the hurly-burly of life. Yet in spite of this Christians have always been tempted to isolate themselves so as to keep themselves free from the contamination of evil.

Divine Protection

Jesus’ promise of the protective power of a providing God was meant to encourage His disciples to persevere in their Faith and its practice. 

Jesus later adds the signs of the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world to prepare His disciples and to remind them to rely upon him for Salvation, not their own power.

The Jews believed that the sudden and unexpected arrival of the promised Messiah would be accompanied by special signs.  They also believed that he would be a political Messiah who would rule Israel forever after overthrowing all other rulers.  Hence, they asked Jesus about the signs accompanying his arrival as the Messiah – if he were the Messiah.

Jesus replied that the kingdom of God was already within them and that was the greatest messianic sign.

The Greek word we translate as “within” means both within you and among you. 

Considering the kingdom of God as within you, we are to understand that the Messiah is going to rule the hearts and minds of individuals, creating a revolution in human hearts and converting them from stony hearts to Spirit-filled loving, merciful and compassionate hearts.

Considering the kingdom of God is among you, we are to understand that God Himself is present among His people in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, representing the kingdom of God and doing God’s will in the most perfect way.

Jesus also warned the Pharisees not to search for the Messiah anywhere else.  He would appear again in Jesus’ Second Coming, quite unexpectedly, and as unmistakably as a flash of lightning that “lights up the sky from one side to the other.”

Life messages:

Let us be Kingdom people by allowing Jesus the true Messiah to have complete control of our lives. Let us allow Him to rule our lives by giving priority to him in all our actions.

Let us be the people of Hope: “Take care not to be deceived”. The discourse offers signs to help them discern and increases their hope. Let us, you and me, give hope to the world which has lost its hope in everything.

Let us the people of hope bring light in the darken world.

Have a Blessed Week,

Fr. Nathan



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