Father Nathan St Gabriel | August 25, 2019
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are close to my heart.
Prayerful greetings to you! Time passes extremely fast. It has already been two months that I am here. Praise God. It is a blessing to be here and I am enjoying every second. Praise God. Thank you.
Since I have arrived here, I have been trying to meet people in person; I feel that it’s my responsibility to get to know my people. Know them in person.
I had a chance to meet a group of families at one of the apartments that I extremely enjoyed. That was one of the happiest days here in the parish. I literally loved it.
Having said this, I wanted to extend an invitation to you, in case you as a group or as families want to meet me at your place or want to come to the parish office to meet me, please let me know. I would love to do that, and have to do that.
Please remember I am here as the priest JUST for you all to render my service to you. It’s my honor to serve, please help me and allow me to exercise my priestly ministry to the fullest.
Pope Francis in 2013 urge Catholics bishops and priests to go out among their flocks, “be shepherds with the smell of sheep” Pope Francis.
The Pope also urged the faithful to “be close to your priests with affection and with your prayers, that they may always be shepherds according to God’s heart”.
God bless you all.
My humble prayers for you all.
With lots of love and ever at your service
Fr. Sahayanthan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 15 2024
The Christmas Novena Begins December 16th. Join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of Jesus.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 24 2024
Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims received a bountiful harvest after a year of illness and a shortage of food and they showed their gratitude to God and celebrated with a feast.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 17, 2024
Pope Pius XI instituted this feast of Christ the King in 1925 with his encyclical “Quas Primas” (“In the First”) to respond to growing secularism and atheism.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 10, 2024
With Great Sadness, I Pass on the News that Andrew Reid, our long-time choir Director, has passed Away. Cherish Life.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 03, 2024
3 Important Things. Special Healing Mass will be held on November 3. The celebration will include mass, the rosary, and the anointing of the sick. Welcome back seasonal parishioners and an update on Andrew Reid our choir director.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 27, 2024
3 Important Things. Special Healing Mass will be held on November 3. The celebration will include mass, the rosary, and the anointing of the sick. Welcome back seasonal parishioners and an update on Andrew Reid our choir director.