Father Nathan St Gabriel | July 28, 2019

A Message from Father Nathan
Dearest People,
May the peace of Christ dwell upon you…
I have a few philosophies of life, among them is to look at the positives of life. I think the devil is quite busy 24/7.
Yes there are problems, worries, tensions and concerns everyday knocking at our door hence we feel that we are drowning, which is understandable. I believe these events teach us a lot. They mold and shape our lives. When we look at the postives of life, we will be able to cherish the different flavors of life.
My life and spiritual directors helped me a lot in this regard. This attitude keeps my INNER PEACE enkindled and shining. The reason I believe why I DO NOT count the blessings is, we tend to take life for granted or we tend to expect a lot from life….Let us cherish life and let us also count the blessings of life
I have one piece of good news to pass on to you. We had our website updated. It has been given a new shape to the website due to the hard work and sacrifice of our people namely Art Battista, Barbara Rietberg and Kelly DiMasico. May God bless them all. Great job Ms. Kelly DiMascio.
Some people have also brought to my notice that they have received e-mails and text messages from me requesting money from them. It’s a scam. I have not done it and I WILL NEVER do that. Please be aware of it.
May God bless you all.
With lots of love and ever at your service
Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 27, 2022
The Season of Advent. This week Marks the beginning of Advent — a time of spiritual preparation for the coming birth of Christ…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 20, 2022
Celebrate Thanksgiving. So Many Reasons to Be Thankful! First for the blessing and protection God has given us. Second, for our democratic government and the prosperity, we enjoy. Third, for our freedom of speech and religion. And finally…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 13, 2022
Mass is the source of the Summit of all our prayers. Mass should be an extension of our life. Life should be an extension of our Mass. Mass is our source of strength for our life. Mass iswhat keeps the Church moving and holy…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 06, 2022
Meet our New Maintenance Man + surveillance camera project update. We have a new maintenance man here at the parish. He is still on his orientation and acclimating day by day. His name is Rodger. He is being taught all the necessary things about the church and its…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 30, 2022
This week, we have two important feasts that we are going to celebrate. One would be the Solemnity of All Saints and the second ALL Souls Day. Let us try to understand what these feasts mean to us.
The Solemnity of All Saints commemorates all those holy men, women, children, martyrs,…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 23, 2022
Important updates and information for the upcoming holiday season and welcoming our seasonal parishioners back to their Florida homes and the 2023 Pilgrimage tot he Holy Land.