A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people closest to my heart!
God bless you and your generous heart
Solemnity of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ)
Celebrated June 02, 2024
We celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi or the Body and Blood of Christ on the 2nd of June.
Honor the Eucharist and the Transubstantiation of Bread and Wine
The Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi is a Christian observance that honors the Holy Eucharist. It is the time for Catholics to reflect on the bread and wine Transubstantiation into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Last Supper.
Understanding the importance of the Eucharist in our Daily Lives
The celebration emphasizes the importance of the Eucharist in the life of the faithful community, providing an opportunity to contemplate the sacrament, express gratitude, and seek guidance.
Even though the Catholic Church lives, moves, and has Her lives only through the Eucharist, special attention given to this Feast of Corpus Christi traces its roots back to the 13th century when a visionary nun, St. Julianafof Liege, received divine inspiration to establish a day devoted to adoration of the Eucharist.
Eucharist | Spiritual Nourishment
This observance holds particular relevance for Christians all over the world, offering an occasion to appreciate their shared faith and devotion to the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The significance of Corpus Christi is not just a matter of spiritual nourishment, but also one of unity, where Catholics gather to acknowledge their connection, express thanks for their blessings, and affirm their faith, hope, and love in the sacrament.
How we will celebrate at St Gabriel
We will have a procession of the Eucharist around the church right after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. May I request all to participate in this procession. The information will be passed on to you later.
Thanks to all of our Faith Groups & Their Leaders
I want to thank all the leaders of the various organizations for applying themselves in coordinating the group for better participation at the church. I really like it. May God bless them all.
Thanks to the Men’s Club
I would like to recognize and appreciate the Men’s Club for concentrating on the good of our parish, for which I have called, including the yearly commitments that they do, they have also taken a few more initiatives and did it for the good of the community like changes the carpets outside and around the church, changed the whole sound system in the parish hall, renovated the restroom in the sacristy. I appreciate the Men’s Club and the leaders. May God bless them all.
I do witness the same attitude in the other groups. Great attitude. Please keep up the good work. It should have nothing to do with us. It’s all about God and our church. God makes good use of the individual for His greater glory and the good of the church. I do notice lots of great individuals I could name very many and I am blessed with our parish, they do a lot, so humbled, never looked for appreciation or acknowledgment never wanted, but serving only for the good of the church and for God.
They really get into my heart for who they are. May God bless them.
“We are worthy servants; we have only done our duty.”
–Luke 17:10
With lots of love and blessings,
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service,
— Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 25, 2023
The Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul celebrates the Patron saints of Rome. These apostles are considered the cornerstones of the Church. This celebration is a liturgical feast in honor of the martyrdom of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 18, 2023
Happy Father’s Day. Let us appreciate and value the sacrifices that our dads have done for us. Let us be thankful for the persons they are. Let us pray for them as they have gone to the Lord. “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;” Psalm 103:13…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 11, 2023
St. Anthony of Padua – the patron Saint of Father nathan’s Home church in India. FEAST OF ST. ANTHONY – June 13, 2023. Anthony joins the Franciscan order, hoping to preach to Muslims and be martyred. Anthony becomes sick with ergotism and dies on June 13 on the way to Padua, where he is now buried. Anthony is canonized by Pope Gregory IX on May 30, 1232, at Spotelo, Italy for his spiritual teachings and devotion to the Church.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 04, 2023
As Catholics, we believe the Body and Blood of Christ is the “the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is REAL, TRUE and SUBSTANTIAL”
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 28, 2023
Pentecost is the birth of the church — the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 21, 2023
When you see a visitor, let us make them feel that they are welcome. Let them feel that it is a community that welcomes people, and loves people. And thanks to all the St Gabriel ministires.