A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people closest to my heart!
God bless you and your generous heart
The Savior is Born! Rejoice!
Born to Save us from the bondage of Sin
Merry Christmas!
God undertook the Incarnation of Jesus as True God and true man to save us from the bondage of sin.
Scriptures teach only one Incarnation, and its purpose is given in Jn 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”.
Today we call our celebration of the Incarnation of God in a Baby “Good News” because our Divine Savior has been born.
As our Savior Jesus liberated us from slavery to sin and atoned for our sins through suffering death on the cross, and Resurrection.
So every Christmas reminds us that we must do the same as our Savior. Christmas challenges us to accept Jesus in the manger as our saving God and personal Savior and to surrender our lives to him, allowing him to rule our hearts and lives every day in the New Year 2024.
May He radiate His Presence from within you as sharing love, unconditional forgiveness, humble service, a compassionate heart, and overflowing generosity. May the Holy Babe of Bethlehem bless you with health in your body and soul and grant you a peaceful and blessed New Year.
I assure you of my special prayers during my Christmas Holy Masses and every day in the New Year. I am sending prayers and hearty Christmas greetings to you.
May you receive God’s most special blessings this Christmas season! May you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
May the wonder of the first Christmas, the joy of God’s abundant blessings, and the peace of Jesus’ presence be with you always.
May your heart be lifted in praise this Christmas for the wonderful gift of Jesus and the joy He brings to our lives.
May all that is beautiful, and meaningful and brings you joy be yours this Christmas season full of wonderful surprises, treats, and nonstop laughter.
May the spirit of Christmas be with you year-round.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you receive one blessing after another this coming year. I send my humble prayers and wishes.
I leave after Masses on Christmas Day for a month at home in India.
Everything is set for St. Gabriel parish to function smoothly during my monthlong absence: priests, and different persons to take care of different tasks.
People know what to do.
If there is anything urgent, let Marie the parish secretary know about it I will keep in touch with her, and she will attend to that.
Let the smooth running of the parish continue. Hence, if you have an idea for better running of the parish, please hold on and wait until I come back.
For better administration, I don’t like surprises while I am away. Let us attend to them when I come back.
May God bless you all. Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you.
With lots of love and blessings,
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service,
— Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 04, 2023
As Catholics, we believe the Body and Blood of Christ is the “the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is REAL, TRUE and SUBSTANTIAL”
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 28, 2023
Pentecost is the birth of the church — the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 21, 2023
When you see a visitor, let us make them feel that they are welcome. Let them feel that it is a community that welcomes people, and loves people. And thanks to all the St Gabriel ministires.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 14, 2023
Celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) on Saturday, June 10, & Sunday, June 11, 2023…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 01, 2023
I will celebrate my ordination anniversary on the tenth of May. I feel humbled and blessed that the precious and good Lord has also called me to share in the royal priesthood. The call to priesthood is the biggest precious gift in my life.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | April 30, 2023
The month of May is here. The month of Mary, our Holy Mother. It is a centuries-old custom of Catholics to dedicate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary…