A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.
ABCD Update
My heart is full of love – I want to thank all those who have contributed towards ABCD. Some of you were extremely generous. So far, we were able to reach donated and pledged $40,000. I am so happy that in the last two weeks, we have been able to reach such a target.
May God bless your heart.
Thank You
I truly appreciate your interest in supporting our church and diocese and all her undertakings.
Still a long Way to Go
We have a long way to go. Let us forward in accomplishing the target. We, as members of the church, need to support the church in whatever way that we can, and it seems as if you are doing it. May God bless you all!!
May I urge all those who are still contemplating pledging for this great cause, please do so. It’s great that we support the Bishop’s plans and motives for the food of our esteemed diocese as well as for the universal church.
Lent Begins in 2 Weeks
As we know in two weeks we will be starting the Lenten season. I am already planning and preparing for it for us. Please pray that everything we go as planned with the parish. Stay tuned for updates.
Maintenance Update
A lot of maintenance projects are taking place at the church. The doors are being painted, especially the church doors, and other doors are quite costly hence we need to maintain them so they may last longer.
We are doing other renovations and maintenance work. At present, we do not have a maintenance person. We are in the process of hiring someone and he is finishing the onboarding process with the diocese – I believe it will be soon.
Please pray for me that I may always be your good shepherd and lead you and your souls to Christ through the church.
ABCD Drive is Underway
Our target is $124,711.00
This is the Weekend we ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our Archbishop’s Charity Drive
ABCD- the Archbishop’s Charities Drive
Goal Missed at St. Gabriel the last 3 years
Help Us Make our Goal — pledge just $125.00 for the year, then we can achieve it! that’s just $12.50 a month for the next ten months.
As we all know, this week we are “making the ask” for our Archbishop’s Charity Drive. As was shared at each Mass last week, the $124,711 goal set for us by the Archdiocese may look like a big amount, but it is doable. If our parish families pledge $125.00 for the year, then we can achieve it! It breaks down to just $12.50 per month for ten months.
Simple Easy Ways to How to Support The ABCD
- You can set it up with your bank or send a check each month
- Use one of the envelopes in the pews to make a one-time gift.
- Have your credit card charged each month.
- Check with your Employer to see if they match your donation – I was also advised that some of your more corporate employers – past and present, may also match it if they have Archdiocese on their list of charitable institutes. I presume that it should be, but please inquire about this option.
Prayerfully Consider Your gift
I am acknowledging and confirming from experience that there are of few of you who want to donate more towards this project. May God bless you for doing so each and every year.
St Gabriel Keeps any gifts over our target Goal
I want to let you know that if and when we reach our goal, whatever is over and above the annual goal, that amount of money we ultimately receive back to the parish.
If we don’t make the goal St Gabriel must make up the difference from parish funds
With this being said, it goes the other way as well. When we don’t reach the goal, the diocese will collect/bill us from the parish funds. I totally understand for the past few years due to Covid and related issues, we were struggling to reach our goal.
When most of our people did not come to church or back to church then it was difficult. Now that we are back to church, let us do it together as a community our religious family. It’s only through your cooperation, we will be able to accomplish it. May God bless our undertaking
Please continue to pray for me. I continue to hold you in my prayers.
God bless you all.
With lots of love and blessing.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
Set up Online Giving.
You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring gifts.
Join our Parish Family
Register in the parish, so that it’s easy to become a confirmation sponsor or Godparent.
Want to Lend a Helping Hand?
Find volunteer opportunities and share your talents.
Need a Helping Hand?
We are here to help. Request home visits, send a prayer request. For urgent needs call 954.943.3684
Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 11, 2024
The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her assumption into Heaven — Body & Soul.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 04, 2024
I have heard many concerns about the Olympic opening ceremony. It should never have happened. Turn to the Eucharist.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 28, 2024
There is power in prayer. Please pray for our parish, our parishioners and our pastor. Pray for hope and healing. Prayer works!
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 21, 2024
Lett us pray that we may all be IN PEACE AND HARMONY
Let us also pray for our nation.
Elections may come and go but we need peace in this nation.
Political affiliations cannot divide us and our nation. It should help unite us and provide a path to enjoy peace and harmony.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 14, 2024
St. Kateri Tekakwitha. First Native American saint. Patron saint of ecology and the environment, people in exile, and Native Americans…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 07, 2024
St. Benedict. Father of monasticism. Patron Saint of Europe. Protector. He is the patron saint of a wide variety of people and needs, including: against poison, agricultural workers…