A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.
When we think of Lent…
When we think of Lent, for any Catholic, there are three things that should come to our mind. These three main things are prayer, fasting, and giving.
Firstly, prayer during Lent focuses on our need for God’s forgiveness. It’s also about repenting (turning away from our sins) and receiving God’s mercy and love.
Secondly, fasting or giving up something is a very common practice during Lent. The idea is that giving up something that’s a regular part of life, like eating a dessert, can be a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice. That time can also be replaced with more time connecting to God.
Finally, giving money or doing something good for others is a way to respond to God’s grace, generosity, and love. For example, some people spend time volunteering or donating money, they would normally use to buy something, like their morning coffee.
Sacrifice & Resurrection
Jesus sacrificed Himself on Good Friday to bear the punishment as the ransom for all our evils as the atonement and offered us forgiveness. He was raised from the dead on Easter Sunday to bestow upon us eternal life.
Hence, spending time during Lent praying, fasting, and giving can make Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter even more meaningful.
Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday. It commemorates the night before Jesus died when He shared the Passover with His closest friends and followers. That day he instituted the Eucharist as His memorial and the priesthood to celebrate that Passover meal every day all over the world and he has given the love command.
I Heard Your Comments About the ABC Donor List
Last week I receive mixed comments when I published the names of the donors. I do understand the sentiments involved in that. Thank you – God bless you all.
ABCD Update
Thank you for your continued support in regard to ABCD. We reached $70,000.00 but we are still short $55,000. I am still waiting for your generous heart.
If all the families donate or pledge $125.00 which is $12.50 over ten months, it will pay off the amount due for 2022 and we will be able to reach our 2023 target as well. Thank you to of those who donated toward this task and may I request others to prayerfully consider this.
Please continue to pledge so we are able to accomplish our goal of $124,711.
Stations of the Cross
Understanding our situations and needs, we will have Stations of the Cross at 4:00 p.m. every Friday.
Please continue to pray for me. I continue to hold you in my prayers.
God bless you all.
With lots of love and blessing.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 30, 2024
Important Basilica – St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Basilica of St. John – Ephesus, St. Thomas Cathedral Basilica in Chennai India + the Story of St. Thomas.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 23, 2024
The Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, apostles. The rock on which the Church is built and the origin of our faith -the protectors and guides.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day. Officially recognized as a holiday in 1972 by President Nixon. Our Fathers are our heroes and intercessors.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 09, 2024
June 13 – We celebrate the Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua. The patron saint of my village. He was called the “Arca Testamenti”, meaning “the living repository of the Holy Scriptures”.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 06, 2024
Transubstantiation – The Real presence of Jesus Christ in the communion bread and wine – body, blood, soul, and divinity.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | May 26, 2024
Next weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, popularly known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. On Saturday June 1, right after the vigil Mass, we will have a procession around the church to spend time with the Eucharist.