A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people closest to my heart!
God bless you and your generous heart.
I will be visiting My family in India
This week I will be going back home to India for a few weeks. I will return at the end of this month. I have already made all the arrangements.
Everything is set to go. If there is an emergency, please call the office. I will be keeping in touch with the office. Nothing changes. Everything will move as usual. If there is anything extremely important to change, please let the office know about it, I will take care of it, once I come back, or else everything will move as usual.
I have lots of commitments while I am going to be on my holiday. Usually, my holiday are very hectic. I hope and pray that everything will go smoothly. I hope God will bless and protect me.
ABCD Kicks-off
Secondly, at the end of this month, we will be launching ABCD. As we all know, it is one of the important fundraisers for the Archdiocese of Miami. This year our target for our parish is $122,184. Last year, because of your collaboration and cooperation, we were able to achieve our target. I would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in that endeavor.
It’s the Archdiocesan vital fundraiser, and of course it it possible only if we, the parish units, actiively participate. May I urge all of you to participate in this and extend your support. As I thank everyone who participated in the ABCD, I would also request others who have not participated to join this. It’s our parish participation for the noble cause. Our Archbishop’s video and his letter eventually will be coming to us.
I would like to thank Ms. Mary Lou Ruderman, the chair of the finance council and Ms. Karen the other representative at the financial council, for delivering their thoughts and appeals to the parishioners for the ABCD. They are wonderful assets to the parish. May God bless them.
From next week onward we will be starting the Ordinary Season another new season. May the Lord direct us into holiness
With lots of love and blessings.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service,
— Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 07, 2024
St. Benedict. Father of monasticism. Patron Saint of Europe. Protector. He is the patron saint of a wide variety of people and needs, including: against poison, agricultural workers…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 30, 2024
Important Basilica – St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Basilica of St. John – Ephesus, St. Thomas Cathedral Basilica in Chennai India + the Story of St. Thomas.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 23, 2024
The Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, apostles. The rock on which the Church is built and the origin of our faith -the protectors and guides.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day. Officially recognized as a holiday in 1972 by President Nixon. Our Fathers are our heroes and intercessors.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 09, 2024
June 13 – We celebrate the Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua. The patron saint of my village. He was called the “Arca Testamenti”, meaning “the living repository of the Holy Scriptures”.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 06, 2024
Transubstantiation – The Real presence of Jesus Christ in the communion bread and wine – body, blood, soul, and divinity.