From the Desk of Father Nathan

St Gabriel Catholic Church | Pompano Beach
God Bless You All

A Message from Father Nathan

My dearest people who are all close to my heart!
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.

Third Sunday of Lent

I am delighted to witness that we have a lot of faithful attending daily Mass.

Parishioners and visitors returning from all over our country and Canada are coming here—that is great!

May I request you all, PLEASE BE WELCOMING..everyone needs to welcome others as they need to feel the warmth of our community, please greet them and welcome them. As an extension of this welcoming, we will be having coffee and water in the parish hall so folks can stay and socialize with each other after we recite the rosary in the church.

Feast of St. Joseph

This weekend we are going to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. I have a very deep love for St. Joseph. He is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. His principle Feast Day is March 19th and is a solemnity—a Feast of the very highest rank.

We also celebrate a secondary Feast Day under his title “St. Joseph the Worker” on May 1st.

St. Joseph is, for me, a spiritual father; a protector and provider; and intimate companion; a pattern for a life hidden in Christ and cloaked in docility. His divine call by God the Father was a great and mysterious grace that cannot be easily reduced to a list of specific qualities; there would not be enough space to contain them. Such is the generosity of His beloved children.

Let us have a special love toward this humble, just, and faithful steward of Christ.

God bless you all.

With lots of love and blessing.

Ever at your service.

—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan


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Past Messages from Father Nathan

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 7, 2022

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | August 7, 2022

August 15th is an important and memorable day for all Catholics. It is the Feast celebrating the Assumption of our Blessed Mother. Learn More about the the theology and the catechism of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother

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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 31, 2022

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 31, 2022

St. John Vianney feast day is celebrated annually on August 4th St. John Marie Vianney was a priest who Pope Pius X proposed as a model and patron saint of all the priests because of his extraordinary devotion and life. A life which he committed to the church ministry. St. John Marie Vianney was born on May 8, 1786 …

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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 24, 2022

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 24, 2022

Mass is God’s Food for Our Soul, come and partake. I am glad and delighted to witness many coming back to the church in person, which is great! I am looking forward to witnessing all our people back at the church. I thought maybe it would be good to do a little catechism as my thankfulness.

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From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 17, 2022

From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 17, 2022

A second collection for the Parish Projects will be the last weekend of July. Some of you were proposing to me to have a second collection for the Parish Project that we are undertaking. There are very many of you already supporting it. I thank each one of you for your love and support. No matter how big or small…

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