Image: Saint Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions | CNS Photo
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart!
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.

Blessing of the Pets
Sunday, October 2nd @ 1:00 pm
Tuesday, October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis the Patron Saint of all animals. In honor of his feast, we will have a Blessing of the Animals
WHEN: Sunday, October 2, 2022,
WHERE: Parking lot – Directly behind the church
TIME: 1:00 p.m.
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Tuesday, October 4th
We have an important Feast this week.
“Francis, go and build up My house, which is falling into ruin”.
To fulfill this command of our Lord, St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) began by restoring physical churches and continued by building up the spiritual Church in souls. Francis’ humility, purity, and true joy inspired many to convert and have a deeper faith.
Who Was St. Francis of Assisi?
He is one of the greatest saints of the church. He was gifted with the stigmata and is known for his deep devotion to the Eucharist.
Francis was the son of Pietro de Bernardone, a cloth merchant. Francis learned to read and write Latin at the school near the church of San Giorgio, acquired some knowledge of the French language and literature, and was especially fond of the Provencal culture of the troubadours.
He liked to speak French (although he never did so perfectly) and even attempted to sing in the language.
His youth was most likely without serious moral lapses, and his exuberant love of life and a general spirit of worldliness made him a recognized leader of the young men of the town.
conversion to apostolic life
Several episodes contributed to his conversion to apostolic life:
- a vision of Christ while St. Francis prayed in the grotto near Assisi
- an experience of poverty during a pilgrimage to Rome, where in rags, he mingles with the beggars before St. Peter’s Basilica and begged alms
- an incident in which he not only gave alms to a leper (he had always felt a deep repugnance for lepers) but also kissed his hand.
- Francis heard the crucifix above the altar command him: “Go, Francis and repair my house which, as you can see, is well-high in ruins.”
Taking this literally, Frances hurried home, gathers some fine cloth from his father’s shop, and rode off to the nearby town of Foligno, where he sold both cloth and horse and left everything and followed Christ in utter poverty.
God bless you all.
With lots of love and blessing.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 09, 2023
St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American to be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church and is celebrated on Friday July 14.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | July 02, 2023
God Bless America! Celebrating American Independence. We are a blessed nation in the world. Our nations live by the philosophy of Christ, and it’s built upon the foundation of Christ…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 25, 2023
The Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul celebrates the Patron saints of Rome. These apostles are considered the cornerstones of the Church. This celebration is a liturgical feast in honor of the martyrdom of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 18, 2023
Happy Father’s Day. Let us appreciate and value the sacrifices that our dads have done for us. Let us be thankful for the persons they are. Let us pray for them as they have gone to the Lord. “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;” Psalm 103:13…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 11, 2023
St. Anthony of Padua – the patron Saint of Father nathan’s Home church in India. FEAST OF ST. ANTHONY – June 13, 2023. Anthony joins the Franciscan order, hoping to preach to Muslims and be martyred. Anthony becomes sick with ergotism and dies on June 13 on the way to Padua, where he is now buried. Anthony is canonized by Pope Gregory IX on May 30, 1232, at Spotelo, Italy for his spiritual teachings and devotion to the Church.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | June 04, 2023
As Catholics, we believe the Body and Blood of Christ is the “the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is REAL, TRUE and SUBSTANTIAL”