From the Desk of Father Nathan | September 27, 2020
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart!
Lots of love and prayers for you all. I hope and pray that you all enjoy good health that is my wish and prayer.
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist – He is on earth, body and blood, soul, and divinity.
Last week I was talking to you about the importance of Mass, the Eucharist, and the role it plays in the life of the Church. Eucharist is the center of the hub of the church. When the Eucharist is taken away from the church, the church would eventually fade away to nothing. The Eucharist is the center of the Catholic Church because Jesus Christ is the center of Catholic life and worship. The Church still professes as it has for two millennia, that the Eucharist is nothing less than Jesus Christ himself.
The Second Vatican Council called the Eucharist the center and the summit of the Christian life. The main reason for so great a confidence resides in the meaning of the Eucharist.
Jesus Christ is here on earth again in the Eucharist, just as he was two thousand years ago. He is not just present in memory. He is not just spiritually present. He is on earth, body and blood, soul, and divinity.
The doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ is in the Eucharist is more than a convenient belief, it is an absolute necessity. Why? Because the whole pattern of scripture teaching demands it and because the Church could not continue in its life and work without the bodily presence of Jesus on earth today. The Eucharistic celebration and Communion which occurs at the end of every Mass is the culmination of the entire service that is built around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Church sees the events of Christ’s life as saving events, occurrences in the life of our Redeemer that include us as his redeemed. The Eucharist becomes an absolute necessity for the Church and the individual Christian when seen in the light of its central meaning and the Church’s task of bringing all men into the unity of faith. By what other power can evangelization be accomplished and the Christian life lived than the body of the crucified and risen Lord?
In Jesus Christ are not only all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3), he also has all authority in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18). Only he can bring unity to believers by his power and love. Let us “Taste and see His Love” (Ps. 34:8).
The Personal and Intimate time with Jesus After Communion
I do witness that sometimes, the faithful leave the church right after the Communion. That doesn’t speak good about us, that speaks that we have not understood the real meaning of the Eucharist. We partake at the main meal, but we miss the dessert part of it. We don’t even wait for the blessing. Right after Communion, is the time for a personal intimate experience with Him.
- To talk to Him and to surrender ourselves to Him and to thank Him
- To seek His help for our spiritual life
- To allow Him and ask Him to immerse Himself into our lives…etc….
The whole meal ends at the blessing. Let us partake the whole liturgy.
Thank you…I hope you understand this and will enjoy the entire celebration of the Eucharist, and follow in our church.
With love and blessings,
Ever at your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
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