Mass Will Be Held in The Church Beginning Monday, June 15, 2020
Welcome Back!
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are close to my heart!
CHURCH OPENING, Beginning Monday, June 15th.
Welcome back again to the church for our community worship.
It’s extremely scary that the number of people affected by the virus is on increase. But we have to deal with it and learn to live with it of course safeguarding ourselves from the virus and from fear. The State and the archdiocese making all the efforts possible to take good care of the people. May God bless them all.
Now, understanding the emotions of our people, we have a plan to celebrate the masses inside the church.
As the pastor, here I am trying to my maximum to keep you all safe and secure that you may all continue to enjoy good health. As we move inside the church, for our common good, I am forwarding below guidelines to be followed. It’s again for the good of the community. May I request you all to follow them. If there is a need, we will change them. It’s not a problem.
Please Stay Home if You Don’t Feel Well
If you are sick or if you are elderly or if your health is not the best, please remain at home. We will pray for you. We will continue to live stream Mass. May God bless you.
New Mass Schedule
Effective June 15 Monday on, Masses will return to St. Gabriel Church and Parish Hall according to the following schedule:
Daily Mass: 8:00 AM in the Church
Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM in the Church
Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM in the Church
Sunday Mass: 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall (This change is due to disinfect the church. if things go good, we will move back to the church- it’s tentative)
Sunday Mass: 11:00 AM in the Church
Please Note
The first row of the parking lot is for people who want to attend the mass through radio from the car. Hence please park your car from the second row on words including the handicap parking. If you need handicap parking please use the south side of the church
- All are urged to come to church with the mask.
- Social distancing is the MUST
- Only the MAIN RIGHT DOOR at the church will be kept open( it’s for the safety reasons)
- The south main door to the hall will be kept open
- The Ushers will welcome you, as you wait for the usher to lead you to be seated. At the door, you will be given sanitizer to clean the hands
- Please follow the guidelines of the Ushers…Please…
- Families can sit together either left or right side the aisles both in the church as well as at the hall…it’s to accommodate more numbers…
- You will be led to be seated leaving every other pew empty.
- First, we fill the church than the hall… others you still have the option through the radio 1440 AM frequency from your car
- Communion will be distributed during the regular communion time in all the places; church, hall, and the parking lot.
- The first row of the parking lot is for people who want to attend the mass through the radio from the car. Hence please park your car from the second row on words including the handicap parking. If you need handicap parking please use the south side of the church
- There will be baskets to drop your offertory/collections at the back of the church and the middle in the hall.
- There wouldn’t be missalettes hence please follow the screen or your gadgets
- During the communion time, please follow the social distancing ….communion ministers including the priests and the deacon will have the mask while distributing communion.
- Please allow the Ushers to exit you after the mass.
- Bulletins will be issued while you exit from the church…
- Please avoid touching the things at the church.
All these guidelines are tentative and likely to be changed
May God Bless You All.
Please Stay Safe and healthy!
Ever at your service.
– With lots of love and blessing,
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | February 23, 2025
Welcome our Seasonal visitors, Attend Mass Daily, Pray The Rosary, Stay after Communion, Prayerfully consider your gift to ABCD
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | February 16, 2025
Welcome our Seasonal visitors, Attend Mass Daily, Pray The Rosary, Stay after Communion, Prayerfully consider your gift to ABCD
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | February 09, 2025
I would also recommend and request that every parishioner pray the rosary and take our parish to our Blessed Mother. I appreciate all those who come together and pray the rosary. May God bless you all.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | February 02, 2025
ABCD 2025 Kick off. Bring Hope to Others. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts. Romans 5:5
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 26, 2025
ABCD 2025 Kick off. Bring Hope to Others. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts. Romans 5:5
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 12, 2025
ABCD 2025 Kick off. Bring Hope to Others. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts. Romans 5:5