Father Nathan St Gabriel | September 15, 2019
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are close to my heart.
Hurricane Dorian
The Lord will always take great care of us. We have witnessed that during the last week. We were so petrified and alarmed with the recent hurricane. But God had saved us. Praise God.
We feel extremely bad about those people who were affected by it. It looks terrible. May God bring them back to normalcy through caring and loving people. Looks like it is working great.
St. Gabriel Church Maintenance Mission
As far as St. Gabriel, our local church, our maintenance man has done a wonderful job last week. He made sure that the church, hall and rectory were all well secured. God bless Jimmy our maintenance man.
Having said this, our people, Karen Kelly, Regina Cohane, Anthony Brogna, Patricia Halloran, Maryann Kelly, Joy Kelly, are doing a fantastic job cleaning the church and making it a welcoming home for our people. They are commited to working every week. May God bless them all.
Volunteer Opportunity
Additional Help Needed
They are also looking for more supporting hands; hence, if you are interested in joining the mission, please contact Ms. Karen Kelly – 845-325-1028. May God bless them.
Meeting of Priests from the Archdioces of Miami
This week from Tuesday to Thursday, the Archdioces of Miami, is having meetings for all the priests. At these meetings some of the issues pertaining to the church will be discussed and refreshed.
I love it for the simple reason, that the priests of the whole diocese come together. I like that togetherness and at the same time, we learn something new as well. Please pray for the Archbishop as well as the priests in our diocese.
Upcoming Parish Meetings
This week we will have our finance council meeting. We have our parish council meeting next week as well. Please pray that we could plan for the good of our parish and as well as for our community
God bless you all.
Please be assure of my prayers for you all. Every day you are all remembered and prayed for during the Mass as welll as in my personal morning and evening prayers. Please allow me to enjoy this greatest responsibility.
With lots of love and ever at your service,
Fr. Sahayanthan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 10, 2021
Together, We Are the Church. A universal body of believers, delivering God’s message of hope and love to everyone, everywhere. Your generosity to the Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive, ABCD, serves the Church so that the Church can serve you.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 3, 2021
Happy New Year. Goodbye, 2020. Hello, 2021. We have all experienced a most unusual year. Our lives have had to adjust to never-ending uncertainties that shake our personal and public lives. We have witnessed a shutdown in our thoughts and actions all over the world…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 20, 2020
Merry Christmas to You! “JOY TO THE WORLD” Fourth Advent of Sunday. In this season…when the people were all tired, worried, concerned, and waiting with lots of perplexities, the Lord incarnated Himself and opened up a new world of love to His people.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 15, 2020
Peace and happiness are like a light within each of our hearts. I believe and trust that It’s ONE of the gifts from God. It’s purely a gift from the Holy Spirit. It is light – that always glows and intensifies.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 1, 2020
On November 2nd we are going to celebrate All Souls Day. This is a holy day set aside for honoring the dead. The day is primarily celebrated in the Catholic Church, but it is also celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church as well as a few other denominations of Christianity.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 25, 2020
Every week as we profess our faith, we express… “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic
Church and THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS.” The author of this letter to the Hebrews wrote. “Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and the perfecter of faith.” (12.1-2)