A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart!
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.
We are Ready to Celebrate Christmas
Thanks to all who have worked to prepare for Christmas
We are all set for the Christmas celebrations this year! There are lots of great and sacrificing people who have put in their hard work to prepare for this season. I would like to thank each and every one of them for what they do for our church and for the greater glory of God. God bless you all. I want to name and thank each one of them but most of them never want to be thanked in public. So you know who you are—May God bless all of you.
Heading Back Home to India to Visit My Family
I am leaving back home right after Christmas. I have already made all the arrangements for the Masses and the liturgy while I am gone. We will be in good shape. It’s not going to be a month, this year. I have shortened my holidays with my family to come back to the parish to prepare for and take care of the ABCD.
Need Ideas for Improving Participation in the ABCD
We must do something to make a difference in our ABCD. I am planning toward that. In case anyone of you have suggestions or questions and wants to meet with me, please do so before I go.
Please Invite Friends, families, and neighbors (especially the elderly) to Celebrate Christmas with You at St Gabriel
Christmas and the preparations are done, we have done the best we could to make the festivities a grand and meaningful celebration. May I request of you bring your family and friends for the Christmas celebration especially those who are homebound or elderly? Please make an effort to invite and bring them to church. Please let me know whether I could be of some help to you.
Welcome Everyone
May I ask all the heads of the various associations and groups to bring us all together? Please make everyone feel that they are welcomed and appreciated. I feel extremely delighted that we have a number of organizations. All of them try their best to make it active and vibrant, then I believe it will be seen at the parish as a vibrant and active community.
God bless you all.
With lots of love and blessing.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 10, 2020
Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 10, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! Daily Prayers For Each of You I hope and believe that you are doing great and staying safe. My prayers are always there for you. Please be assured...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | 5.03.2020
Father Nathan St Gabriel | May 3, 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! The month of May always a special month to me. There are two reasons. Month of Mary First. As a child and still today, it’s a Marian month. The month of...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | 4.19.2020
Father Nathan St Gabriel | April 19, 2020 Divine Mercy Sunday A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! A Word of Thanks I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. We I had such a wondeful service for Holy Week. I am extremely delighted...
Father Nathan St Gabriel | Easter Sunday 4.12.2020
Father Nathan St Gabriel | Holy Week 2020A Message from Father NathanMy dearest people who are close to my heart! Prayerful greeting and lots of love to you. Right away I wanted to inform to you that I DO MISS YOU ALL. The church without you is not the same. I feel...
Prayer for Intercession to our Blessed Mother during Coronavirus
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Father Nathan | Understanding the Sacred Triduum
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