A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people closest to my heart!
God bless you and your generous heart.
I will be visiting My family in India
This week I will be going back home to India for a few weeks. I will return at the end of this month. I have already made all the arrangements.
Everything is set to go. If there is an emergency, please call the office. I will be keeping in touch with the office. Nothing changes. Everything will move as usual.
ABCD Kicks-off
Here is a letter from Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski.
My dear Brothers and Sisters, Hope is not always easy, especially in a broken world, yet our faith calls us to be agents of hope to unite, heal, and transform our world. In the most challenging times, when it is easy to lose heart, there is always an invitation to witness hope knowing that God never gives up on us.
In this Jubilee Year, we are all invited to serve as pilgrims of hope and develop a deeper connection with our faith, is not an attitude or opinion, but is a special gift from the Holy Spirit that is vital in our lives. It is what gives us confidence for the future, even when things may seem bleak. For us Catholics, Jesus is our hope. (Romans 5: 5)
The Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD) is one way we can bring hope to others and help them experience the transformative love of Christ-a love so powerful that it can heal the sick, convert hearts and change the course of someone’s life. Whether it is through advocacy, education, housing, or serving the poor – just to name a few – ABCD is bringing hope to those in need.
Please prayerfully consider opening your hearts in support of the ABCD and make a gift of hope today. A world without God is a world without hope, and a world without hope is a world without a future. We must unite to bring hope and the love of Christ to people – no matter who they are or where they live. Every gift makes a difference!
Be assured of my prayers for you and your loved ones. Thank you and God bless you. With hope and gratitude,
Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski
Archbishop of Miami
We will have a second collection for the ABCD this weekend. Please be generous.
With lots of love and blessings.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service,
— Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
Set up Online Giving.
You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring gifts.
Join our Parish Family
Register in the parish, so that it’s easy to become a confirmation sponsor or Godparent.
Want to Lend a Helping Hand?
Find volunteer opportunities and share your talents.
Need a Helping Hand?
We are here to help. Request home visits, send a prayer request. For urgent needs call 954.943.3684

ABCD supports the many ministries of the Catholic Church in the three counties of our Archdiocese – these ministries represent concrete ways in which we perform what are called the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Through your support of the ABCD you help our Catholic Church here in South Florida reach out to those brothers and sisters Jesus speaks about in the Gospel.
ABCD is our Catholic Charities, our religious education programs, our Catholic schools.
ABCD is the support of our seminarians and priests.
ABCD is in our marriage preparation programs, and our lay ministries that form people to minister to the bereaved, the homebound.
ABCD exists because of the generosity of people like yourselves, people who in good times and in bad times keep their support of the Church on their list of major priorities.
Every gift makes a difference. Thank you and God bless you.

Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | January 07, 2024
The Miami Archdiocese annual ABCD Campaign Kick-off is happening in January – this month is all about the ABCD Campaign. The campaign supports many charitable organizations and functions in our parish. Learn more.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 31, 2023
A New Year’s Prayer! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I mean this. I wanted to thank the almighty for His blessing as always and for the wonderful life and ministry that He has bestowed upon me. I want to extend my gratitude to each one of you. Lord, You make all things new…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 24, 2023
The Savior is Born! Rejoice! God undertook the Incarnation of Jesus as True God and true man to save us from the bondage of sin. Blessings for Christmas and the New Year.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 17, 2023
The Miraculous Birth of Jesus, Our Savior is the real reason behind celebrating Christmas. Let Christ be Born in our Hearts and home this Christmas.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 10, 2023
Vocations and Blessings – I was told that St. Don Bosco, founder of Salesian Congregation, used to say that vocation is a blessing to the parish and to the family. My cousin is
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | December 03, 2023
Eucharistic devotion. Why do we have Eucharistic devotions like “Benediction of the Holy Eucharist?” Exposition of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is a very old devotion in our Church. Its purpose is to highlight the fundamental mystery of the Holy Eucharist…