A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people closest to my heart!
God bless you and your generous heart
I want to be pastoral and shepherd to my people.
Let us pray that we may all be IN PEACE AND HARMONY
Let us also pray for our nation.
Elections may come and go but we need peace in this nation.
Political affiliations cannot divide us and our nation. It should help unite us and provide a path to enjoy peace and harmony.
There are some pastoral issues that I want to address. There are a few parishioners who have my personal mobile number. Sometimes you call or contact me for very good reasons. Some of you have my e-mail and many use my parish official e-mail, to get in touch with me.
I want to be pastoral and shepherd to my people.
Being with my people makes me happy and I want to be accessible.
These days, I get a lot of group emails and texts, which I DO NOT like at all.
Please be gentler and kinder.
If you need my assistance or advice contact me directly.
Whatever may be of importance that you feel, however lofty you may think the information may be, NEVER, NEVER add me to any of the group emails or group texts.
I do not only dislike it, I resent it. I try to respond right away when I receive an email or text, but these group emails or messages irritate me.
Some of the parishioners think that I told you to do it. I never told anyone to do it. Hence PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT AT ALL. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE.
A few of our parishioners complained that they don’t want to receive any of these. Please stop. I am not a big profile person; I also don’t want to be.
But what happens when you send it in a group, sometimes the so called “bad elements’ get the contact information and send all the garbage through them. Sometimes they sent text messages or emails seeking money. A few parishioners were already cheated. Hence please stop doing it!
Anything you need, please contact me directly.
Peace & Harmony
Now that it’s election time, it may be blurring up. Let us not fall prey to that. Let us also pray for our nation. Let us pray that we may all be IN PEACE AND HARMONY. Elections may come and go but we need peace in this nation. Let political affiliations not divide us and the nation. It should help us to unite and should help us to enjoy peace and harmony.
Ever wanting to be faithful to your service,
— Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 13, 2022
Mass is the source of the Summit of all our prayers. Mass should be an extension of our life. Life should be an extension of our Mass. Mass is our source of strength for our life. Mass iswhat keeps the Church moving and holy…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 06, 2022
Meet our New Maintenance Man + surveillance camera project update. We have a new maintenance man here at the parish. He is still on his orientation and acclimating day by day. His name is Rodger. He is being taught all the necessary things about the church and its…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 30, 2022
This week, we have two important feasts that we are going to celebrate. One would be the Solemnity of All Saints and the second ALL Souls Day. Let us try to understand what these feasts mean to us.
The Solemnity of All Saints commemorates all those holy men, women, children, martyrs,…
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 23, 2022
Important updates and information for the upcoming holiday season and welcoming our seasonal parishioners back to their Florida homes and the 2023 Pilgrimage tot he Holy Land.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 16, 2022
Parish Improvements update. Very many supported this in ten thousand, two thousand, thousands, and fifty dollar donations….every amount helps
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 09, 2022
We celebrate the Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila. The daughter of a Jewish convert and his second wife, Saint Teresa of Avila, was born on March 28, 1515.