From the Desk of Father Nathan
A Message from Father Nathan
My dearest people who are all close to my heart!
Lots of love, blessings, and prayers to you all.
All Saint’s Day
All Saint’s Day is a solemn holy day in the Catholic Church celebrated annually on November 1st. It was instituted to honor all the saints, known and unknown, and according to Urban IV, to supply and deficiencies in the faithful’s celebration of all Saints Feast during the year. This day is dedicated to the saints of the Church, that is, all those who have attained heaven.
Millions of Saints
Althought millions, or even billions of people may already be saints. All Saints Day observances tend to focus on known saints – those recognized in the canon of the saints by the Catholic Church. The Church in her infinite wisdom set aside this day to recognize and honor the saints who have gone before us.
Saints honor Jesus
We honor the saints, because they honored Jesus Christ and their lives were a reflection of His life. The saint’s merit lies in Christ alone and they acknowledge this, on that first reading for Mass would say:
“Salvation comes from our God, who is seated on the throne, and from the Lamb.”
Catholic Holy Day of Obligation
Generally All Saints Day is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation, meaning all Catholic are required to attend Mass on that day, unless they have an excellent excuse, such as a serious illness. All Saints Day was formally started by Pope Boniface IV who consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Virgin Mary and all the Martyrs on May 13th in 609 AD.
All Saints Day & All Souls Day
BonifaceIV also established All Souls Day, which follows All Saints. All Souls’ is primarily a Catholic holy day. Our belief is so beautifully mentions on the preface of the dead –
“ In him the hope of blessed resurrection has dawned, that those saddened by the certainty of dying might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come. Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended, and when this earthly dwelling turns to dust, and eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven”.
The soul can then go into one of three afterlife states: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell.
According to the Catholic Church, a person’s soul leaves the body at death. The soul can then go into one of three afterlife states: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell.
Heaven is the states of oneness and perfect union with God. In the Catholic faith, Heaven is the ultimate goal for the afterlife. A soul can enter if its free from all sin.
Secondly, Hell is the opposite of Heaven. It’s a state of being distant from God and all that is good. A person’s soul can do directly to Hell if the person chooses mortal sin during life on earth.
Finally, Purgatory is a state of being between Heaven and Hell. The Catholic Church beleves that most souls must go through Purgatory . There they have the opportunity to “purge” their sins and become pure enough to enter Heaven.
Pray for the souls in Purgatory
According to Catholic teachings, prayer for the souls of the dead in Purgatory helps them to purge their sins. By praying for the souls of the departed you can help them finish their journey through Purgatory and finally reach Heaven.
God bless you all.
With lots of love and blessing.
Ever at your service.
—Fr. Sahayanathan Nathan
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Past Messages from Father Nathan
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 10, 2024
With Great Sadness, I Pass on the News that Andrew Reid, our long-time choir Director, has passed Away. Cherish Life.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | November 03, 2024
3 Important Things. Special Healing Mass will be held on November 3. The celebration will include mass, the rosary, and the anointing of the sick. Welcome back seasonal parishioners and an update on Andrew Reid our choir director.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 27, 2024
3 Important Things. Special Healing Mass will be held on November 3. The celebration will include mass, the rosary, and the anointing of the sick. Welcome back seasonal parishioners and an update on Andrew Reid our choir director.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 20, 2024
It’s election mode time. Everything we say and do will be perceived with a political outlook. But at the same time as the Church, we need to be the voice of Christ. Mother Teresa on the “Great Destroyer of Peace – Abortion. The passage below is the voice of Mother Teresa at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. on February 5, 1994. I believe her wisdom and concerns are so relevant today. Here you go.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 13, 2024
Father Nathan is hosting his annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Sunday, October 20t at 5:00 p.m. in the parish hall.
From The Desk Of Father Nathan | October 06, 2024
On October 7, Catholics around the world honor the contemplative prayer of the Rosary by celebrating the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.