Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day prayer

God source of all freedom,

this day is bright with the memory of those who declared that life and liberty

are your gift to every human being.

Help us to continue good work begun long ago.

Make our vision clear and our will strong:

that only in human solidarity will we find liberty,

and justice only in the honor that belongs to every life on earth.

Turn our hearts toward the family of nations:

to understand the ways of others, to offer friendship, and to find safety only in the common good of all.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


God our Father,

In your wisdom and love, you made all things.

Bless our father.

Let the example of his faith and love shine forth.

Grant that we, his family,

May honor him always

With a spirit of profound respect.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.



How We See our Fathers As We Grow Older


4 years old:  — My daddy can do anything

5 years old — My daddy knows a whole lot

6 years old — My daddy is smarter than your dad

8 years old — My dad doesn’t know exactly everything

10 years old — In the old days when my dad grew up, things were sure different

12 years old — Oh, well, naturally Father doesn’t know anything about that. He too old to remember his childhood

14 years old — Don’t pay any attention to my father. too old fashioned

21years old  — My Lord, he is so out- of –date!

25 years old — Dad knows a little bit about it but he should he has been around along time.

30 years old — Maybe we should ask dad he has a lot of experience

35 years old — I’m not doing a single thing until I talk with Dad.

40 years — I wonder how Dad would handle it. He is so wise and had a lot of experience 50 years — I’d give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk with him. He was so smart!


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