Lord, my faith has always been important to me. 

For much of my life, I have gone to church and prayed, ever confident in Your power and presence in my life.

At times, however, my faith is not as strong as I would like it to be. 

I find it more difficult to apply the message of the Gospel to my daily life.

I ask for Your help and guidance. 

Help me to overcome any doubts in faith I might have and to emerge a stronger and better Christian because of it.  

May my mind and heart be open to Your power, and may I find encouragement in Your Word. 

Guide me always towards the people and resources that will ease my confusion and strengthen my faith.

As nature passes through seasons of blossom, growth, harvest, and dormancy, so too must I pass through many seasons on my pathway to eternal life. 

I pray that my times of spiritual doubt will blossom into a season of renewed and revitalized faith.



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