Prayer Request for the St. Gabriel Pompano Beach Community
St Gabriel Pompano Beach | Prayer Requests
Monthly Prayer Requests
As a faith community it is very important that we pray for each other especially the sick. So if someone in your family is sick please let us know by calling the office at 954-943-3684, Mon. – Fri. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or let us know with the prayer request box and we will list them in the bulletin and remember to pray for them.
We begin a new list at the beginning of each month.

May 2020 Prayer Request | St Gabriel Pompano Beach
Rick and Virginia Birmingham, Frances P, Julianna D, Baby Ricardo, Jay Balsavich, Gregory Bogdanchik, Baby Bodi Welage, Baby Alex Sieper, Virginia Sieper, Katie Frisbee, Howard Sears, Baby Jack Oliver, Christopher Brennan, Danny Johnson, Todd Mosley, Joe Repack, Catherine Dooley, Michelle Appleblatt, Mike Waterman, Michael DiFiore, Dora Sannasardo, Rita Vietmeir, Lorruama Bussinger, Rachel Rodriguez, Ruth Melson, Tracie Ruzzier, Nick, Bobby Eisinger, Baby Star, Ric Manor, Isabel and Evelyn, Sheldon, Alexander Boswell, Danielle Rieser, Marie Lopez, Carlos Lima DeSa, Randy Quintrell, Richard Abidin, Joann Slifter, Lynn Cassano, Beverly Robinson, Gerald Ross, Rita Todd, Suzanne Derba, John O’Brien, James Garfield, Mary, Connie , Gene Polske, George A., Cathy Emerson, Manny Colon & family, Nancy Connelly, Scott Schwartz, Kim Miller, Lester Jusino Seda, Antoine Bazelais, James Carlson, Cassie Moran, Jack Puls, Tom Kolakowski, Baby Phoebe, Gabriel Colon, Dan Naton, Dr. B, Louie Fraley, Olivia , Christina, Baby Cole, Shane O’Connell, Peter Wilkens, Debby McKinley, Marge Trani, John & Fay Fahey, Dorothea Heilan,Anne Marie Bedard,Pauline Leo, Marie Strigini, Lorraine Rossi, John P. Ray, Ava Koleber, Katie Sladek, Jim Simick, Ranoy Quintrell, Charlie DeGennario, Mariann Murphy. Lillian Bonsaint, Jessica
April 2020 Prayer Request | St Gabriel Pompano Beach
Rick and Virginia Birmingham, Frances P, Julianna D, Baby Ricardo, Jay Balsavich, Gregory Bogdanchik, Baby Bodi Welage, Baby Alex Sieper, Virginia Sieper, Katie Frisbee, Howard Sears, Baby Jack Oliver, Christopher Brennan, Danny Johnson, Todd Mosley, Joe Repack, Catherine Dooley, Michelle Appleblatt, Mike Waterman, Michael DiFiore, Dora Sannasardo, Rita Vietmeir, Lorruama Bussinger, Rachel Rodriguez, Ruth Melson, Tracie Ruzzier, Nick, Bobby Eisinger, Baby Star, Ric Manor, Isabel and Evelyn, Sheldon, Alexander Boswell, Danielle Rieser, Marie Lopez, , Carlos Lima DeSa, Randy Quintrell, Richard Abidin, Joann Slifter, Lynn Cassano, Beverly Robinson, Gerald Ross, Rita Todd, Suzanne Derba, John O’Brien, James Garfield, Mary, Connie , Gene Polske, George A., Cathy Emerson, Manny Colon & family, Nancy Connelly, Scott Schwartz, Kim Miller, Lester Jusino Seda, Antoine Bazelais, James Carlson, Cassie Moran, Jack Puls, Tom Kolakowski, Baby Phoebe, Gabriel Colon, Dan Naton, Dr. B, Louie Fraley, Olivia , ChristinaBaby Cole, Shane O’Connell, Peter Wilkens, Debby McKinley, Marge Trani, John & Fay Fahey, Dorothea Heilan,Anne Marie Bedard,Pauline Leo, Marie Strigini, Lorraine Rossi, John P. Ray, Ava Koleber,Katie Sladek, Jim Simick, Ranoy Quintrell, Charlie DeGennario, Mariann Murphy. Lillian Bonsaint, Jessica
May God Grant Them Eternal Peace: Joseph Louis Romano and Genevieve Noa
March 2020 Prayer Request | St Gabriel Pompano Beach
Rick and Virginia Birmingham, Frances P, Julianna D, Baby Ricardo, Jay Balsavich , Gregory Bogdanchik, Baby Bodi Welage, Baby Alex Sieper, Virginia Sieper, Katie Frisbee, Howard Sears, Baby Jack Oliver, Christopher Brennan, Danny Johnson, Todd Mosley, Joe Repack , Catherine Dooley, Michelle Appleblatt, Mike Waterman, Michael DiFiore, Dora Sannasardo, Rita Vietmeir, Lorruama Bussinger, Rachel Rodriguez, Ruth Melson, Tracie Ruzzier, Nick, Bobby Eisinger, Baby Star, Ric Manor, Isabel and Evelyn, Sheldon, Alexander Boswell, Danielle Rieser, Marie Lopez, Carlos Lima DeSa, Randy Quintrell, Richard Abidin, Joann Slifter, Lynn Cassano, Beverly Robinson, Gerald Ross, Rita Todd, Suzanne Derba, John O’Brien, James Garfield, Mary, Connie , Gene Polske, George A., Cathy Emerson, Manny Colon & family, Nancy Connelly, Scott Schwartz, Kim Miller, Lester Jusino Seda, Antoine Bazelais, James Carlson, Cassie Moran, Jack Puls, Tom Kolakowski, Baby Phoebe, Michael O’Shea, Gabriel Colon, Dan Naton, Dr. B, Louie Fraley, Olivia, Christina, Baby Cole, Shane O’Connell, Peter Wilkens, Debby McKinley, Marge Trani, John & Fay Fahey, Dorothea Heilan, Anne Marie Bedard, Pauline Leo, Marie Strigini, Lorraine Rossi, John P. Ray, Ava Koleber, Katie Sladek, Jim Simick, Ranoy Quintrell, Charlie DeGennario
Febraury 2020 Prayer Request | St Gabriel Pompano Beach
Rick and Virginia Birmingham, Frances P, Julianna D, Baby Ricardo, Jay Balsavich, Gregory Bogdanchik, Baby Bodi Welage, Baby Alex Sieper, Virginia Sieper, Katie Frisbee, Howard Sears, Baby Jack Oliver, Christopher Brennan, Danny Johnson, Todd Mosley, Joe Repack, Catherine Dooley, Michelle Appleblatt, Mike Waterman, Michael DiFiore, Dora Sannasardo, Rita Vietmeir, Lorruama Bussinger, Rachel Rodriguez, Ruth Melson, Tracie Ruzzier, Nick, Bobby Eisinger, Baby Star, Ric Manor, Isabel and Evelyn, Sheldon, Alexander Boswell, Danielle Rieser, Marie Lopez, Carlos Lima DeSa, Randy Quintrell, Richard Abidin, Joann Slifter, Lynn Cassano, Beverly Robinson, Gerald Ross, Rita Todd, Suzanne Derba, John O’Brien, James Garfield, Mary, Connie , Gene Polske, George A., Cathy Emerson, Manny Colon & family, Nancy Connelly, Scott Schwartz, Kim Miller, Lester Jusino Seda, Antoine Bazelais, James Carlson, Cassie Moran, Jack Puls, Tom Kolakowski, Baby Phoebe,Michael O’Shea, Gabriel Colon, Dan Naton, Dr. B, Louie Fraley, Olivia , Christina,Baby Cole, Shane O’Connell, Peter Wilkens, Debby McKinley, Marge Trani, John & Fay Fahey, Dorothea Heilan, Anne Marie Bedard, Pauline Leo, Marie Strigini, Lorraine Rossi, John P. Ray, Ava Koleber, Katie Sladek, Jim Simick
January 2020 Prayer Request | St Gabriel Pompano Beach
Rick and Virginia Birmingham, Frances P, Julianna D, Baby Ricardo, Jay Balsavich, Gregory Bogdanchik, Baby Bodi Welage, Baby Alex Sieper, Virginia Sieper, KatieFrisbee, Howard Sears, Baby Jack Oliver, Christopher Brennan, Danny Johnson,. Todd Mosley, Joe Repack , Catherine Dooley ,Shirley Pearson, Michelle Appleblatt , Vito Manginelli ,Elizabeth Tuller, Mike Waterman, Michael DiFiore, Dora Sannasardo, Rita Vietmeir, Lorruama Bussinger, Rachel Rodriguez, Ruth Melson, Edwin Lopez, Luca Enrrico, Nick DeJulio, John Lent, Tracie Ruzzier, Nick DeJulio, Jackie Grisanti, Madeline Clark, Ellen O’Driscol, Bobby Eisinger, Joseph & Sally White, Baby Star , Ric Manor, Isabel and Evelyn, Sheldon, Alexander Boswell, Danielle Rieser, Marie Lopez, , Carlos Lima DeSa, Randy Quintrell, Richard Abidin, Joann Slifter, Lynn Cassano, Beverly Robinson, Gerald Ross, Rita Todd, Suzanne Derba, John O’Brien, James Garfield, Mary, Connie , Gene Polske, George A., Cathy Emerson, Manny Colon & family, Nancy Connelly, Scott Schwartz, Kim Miller, Lester Jusino Seda, Antoine Bazelais, James Carlson, Cassie Moran, Jack Puls, Tom Kolakowski, Baby Phoebe,Michael O’Shea, Gabriel Colon, Dan Naton, Dr. B, Louie Fraley, Olivia , Christina,Baby Cole, Shane O’Connell, Peter Wilkens, Debby McKinley, Marge Trani, John & Fay Fahey, Dorothea Heilan, Anne Marie Bedard, Pauline Leo
May God Grant Them Eteranal Peace: Angela Milazzo and Richard Gagnon
Everyday Catholic Prayers
Hail Mary
Hail Mary Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruitof thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Efficacious Three Hail Mary...
Glory Be to the Father
Glory Be to the Father Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.JoinJoin our Parish Family Register in the parish, so that it's easy to become a confirmation sponsor...
Apostles’ Creed
Apostles' Creed I believe in God,the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Christ,his only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by thepower of the Holy Spiritand born of the Virgin Mary.He suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was...
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel St Michael the Archangel Protect Us From Satan. Through this prayer we ask St Michael's protection from the tricks and temptations of Satan.St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and...
Prayer to St Gabriel the Archangel
St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Gabriel is a powerful messenger of God, who can assist us in our journey towards heaven as well. The prayer to the Archangel Gabriel, asks him to “intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy.”Blessed Saint Gabriel, Archangel We beseech...
St. Patrick’s Breastplate
St. Patrick's Breastplate St. Patrick's Breastplate can function as divine armor for protection against spiritual adversity.Short Version Christ with me,Christ before me,Christ behind me,Christ in me,Christ beneath me,Christ above me,Christ on my right,Christ on my...
Morning Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Morning Prayer to the Sacred HeartO Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in...
Act of Contrition
Act of contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry forhaving offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all becausethey offend Thee, my God, Who are all good anddeserving of all my love. I firmly...
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness,...